Are they easy to train? In short, yes, but perseverance is CRITCAL otherwise they will get the better of you!
The Vizsla’s natural exuberance and hunting instincts need to be harnessed (not extinguished) and it is highly recommended that you seek a specialist HPR trainer for Gun-dog training. If you are local to our area of course we have recommendations. Otherwise there are lots of resources online.
We do recommend you find a trainer who is a specialist in HPR (Hunter Pointer Retriever breeds). We have done this with both our Dam's and we have NEVER looked back.
What they learn in a village hall obedience classes may quickly unravel when let off the lead outside! Make sure you find a trainer who understands gun-dogs, an HPR specialist will of course be the best choice. There are many across the country and we list many training groups on this site
If you wish to show your Vizsla, then attendance at a Ringcraft class is a must – these classes can also be found all over the country.
Just a pet? – Good training is vital. Try to find a class where they do the KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme and incorporate some outside training. This breed requires mental as well as physical exercise.
There are many things you can do with your dog to promote mental stimulation ie agility, flyball, search and rescue, or working trials – not necessarily to competitive levels.
House Training
Is usually easy with Vizsla's. They are a naturally clean dog, but just like a baby can't go very long between toilet breaks. If you remember to put puppy outside after meals; when they wake up or look unsettled; and every half-hour in between for the first few months, they will quickly be clean. Go outside with them and when they perform praise them, they will then be encouraged to 'go empty' outside. It is an idea to put some newspaper by the back door and around their bed in case of accidents. The playpen/cage can help here, as pups don't like to dirty their own areas and will hold on and tell you they need to go. Don't leave water bowls down overnight, they will just tank up and need to wee sooner! We use a dog bell so they notify us when they need the toilet. Worth looking into and it's another form of mental fitness and stimulation.